To Reach People That Are Far From God, And Teach Them To Follow Jesus Step-by-Step.
We Have 5 Biblical Principles That Keep Us Moving Forward:
You've said it before... "I've got this". "I don't need anyones help." It's the unfortunate mindset that our culture promotes today... a mindset that you are capable of accomplishing anything on your own. It might sound noble, but it's actually a pretty destructive way of thinking. The reality is that none of us have it all together. Fortunately, God never intended for us to do life alone.
We believe first and foremost that God has given us the Holy Spirit which surrounds us and gives us the strength and guidance we need to succeed in this life. However, God didn't stop there. He also gave us access to community through a body of believers that we call "The Church". We believe that God designed us to come alongside each other as believers and work together to accomplish His purpose in our own lives as well as those around us. When we choose to do life together, rather than alone, we equip ourself to succeed as well as empower and encourage those we stand alongside.
The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, when a person makes the decision to follow Christ, a life change WILL happen. The scriptures actually tell us that we are a new person. We believe growing people change in many areas of our lives including our values, our perspectives, our desires and even our convictions. To deal with these radical changes and our newfound passion to pursue Jesus, we must learn to equip ourselves with the right tools to succeed.
Choosing to accept Jesus as our Lord is only the beginning. It's the doorway to a life full of purpose and passion, but also one that brings trials, struggles, and sometimes pain. We believe in the power of discipleship, or simply put, the spiritual growth that takes place in our life as we learn to love and pursue Jesus more and more in each passing day. As a church, we must constantly be pouring ourselves into growing spiritually together if we're to see God work in the deepest and often darkest areas of our lives.
Imagine you we're stuck in a life threatening situation, and just in time, someone saved you from instant destruction. You would approach life differently from that moment on and likely have a new and refreshing outlook on life! You would reevaluate your choices, your motives, and your relationships, especially with those you love most. This is exactly what Jesus did for us. When we understand the sacrifice Christ made, and the grace we've received, it should stir within us a desire to love people in a new, refreshing way.
The result should be a newly discovered passion to meet others where they're at in this life, and serve them with love, just as God loves us. Our desire is that every individual that connects to our church, will have numerous opportunities to not just experience God's love, but share it with others through serving. We will always strive to provide our church body with ways to get involved in serving for the Kingdom of God, not just watch from the sidelines.
God is our eternal rescuer and provider. Through the gift of His own Son, Jesus Christ, he found us covered in our sin and destined for death, and brought us back into good terms with Him. When we understand that we we're once lost and dead in our sins, but now found and alive in Jesus, there should be a major focus shift in our life.
Every one of us know family and friends who desperately need to experience the life-saving power of Jesus. Our calling as God's children is to go and share the good news with Jesus with everyone we meet. At Harvest, we believe in equipping believers to not only find and follow Jesus, but to help others do the same.
We love worshipping together at Harvest as a group of believers. We put a lot of time and effort into planning our Worship Services each week as we meet together, but that's only the beginning. Singing is just one way to share our worship of God together. We believe there are endless opportunities to worship God with our lives.
Ultimately, we are called to worship God with all that we have. This includes, but is not limited to, our talents, interest, careers, finances, abilities, and our time. One question we want every believer at Harvest to ask themselves is "Am I worshipping God with everything I've been given?" When we make worship a lifestyle, rather than an event, we will see life-change happen consistently in our families, our community, and church fellowship.
The Bible
We believe the Bible is God’s Word, the product of holy men of old who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. It is accurate, authoritative, and applicable to our everyday lives.
God (The Trinity)
We believe there is one and only one true and living God. While there is indivisible unity in the Godhead, He exists in three separate persons – God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit – equal in every divine attribute and executing distinct offices in the work of creation and redemption.
We believe in God the Father, an infinite, personal spirit, perfect in love, holiness, justice, and grace. We believe that He is all-knowing and all-powerful. We believe that He mindfully and mercifully concerns himself with the lives of humankind, that He hears and answers our prayers, and that He offers salvation from sin and death through Jesus Christ.
SON (Jesus Christ)
We believe that Jesus Christ in the flesh was both God and man, that He was born of a virgin and that He lived a sinless life, in which He taught and wrought mighty works and wonders and signs exactly as revealed in the four Gospels, and He was crucified, died to pay the penalty for our sins and was raised from the dead bodily on the third day. Later He ascended to the Father’s right hand where He is head of the church and intercedes for believers, and from whence He is coming again personally, bodily, visibly to this earth to set up His millennial kingdom.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person, is God and possesses all the divine attributes. He indwells all believers, baptizes and seals them at the moment of their salvation, and fills them in response to confession of sin and yielding of one’s life.
We believe that God is the absolute and sole creator of the universe, and that creation was by divine feat, not through evolutionary process.
We believe our sin has separated each of us from God and His purpose for our lives. As a result, man cannot attain a right relationship with God through his own effort.
We believe that all who receive Christ become joint heirs with Christ, and at death, their spirits depart to be with Christ in conscious blessedness and at the rapture their bodies will be raised to the likeness of the body of His glory and dwell forever in His divine presence.
We believe that since His death, by His shed blood, the Lord Jesus Christ made a perfect atonement for sin, redeeming us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us — providing opportunity for all mankind to be saved and justified on the simple and single ground of the shed blood.
We teach that such salvation with its forgiveness of sins, its impartation of a new nature and its hope of eternal life is entirely apart from good works, baptism, church membership – or man’s effort – and is of pure grace.
We teach that a true believer is eternally secure, that he cannot lose his salvation, but that sin may interrupt the joy of his fellowship with God and bring the loving discipline of his heavenly Father.
We believe that it is the goal of every Christian to grow in spiritual maturity through obedience to the Word of God and indwelling Spirit.
The Church
We believe in the power and significance of the Church and the necessity of believers to meet regularly together for fellowship, prayer, communion and worship.
According to Scripture, the church also has two ordinances.
We believe baptism is the first of the two ordinances of the Church. It is the first step of obedience by a new believer. Scriptural baptism is by immersion, It is a picture of our death to sin and the resurrection to a new life. It is a prerequisite to the privileges of church membership. Baptism does not get you into heaven. Instead, it is an outward example of an inward change.
The Lord’s supper commemorates the death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the bread represents the body that was broken for us and the juice representing His blood that was shed for us.